
Hey, I’m John! I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area running, biking, driving and skiing all over. As a teen, I loved photographing car events and my family travels. In college, I explored my passion for photography by taking courses and eventually getting a degree. I learned to refine my concepts and acquired new skills and tools to bring my visions to life. The result is the work you see in this portfolio.

Moving forward, I’ve love to continue capturing great moments of exploration. I’m also fascinated by finding ways to make productions more efficient, streamlining the process of “bringing the planets into alignment” to produce great shots.

On a shoot, I can run from 5am to 11pm on Cliff bars and am guaranteed to make you smile. I am very methodical. I love to plan out every detail and make back up plans so everything fits together smoothly. I also try to make involved feel like they are an important part of the production.